Saturday, August 12, 2006


What does it mean "to have an adequate conception of the reality"?
Suppose, I have been robbed, or got a traffic accident, or some other trouble. I am going to the police station to make a complaint. Now I have two options.
First, I can imagine how I will meet a clever policeman. He will puff at his pipe, like Sherlock Holmes, listen to me attentively, take my case with great interest, show his consideration for me and do his best to solve my problem. Unexpectedly I meet a strange lack of interest. They try to explain me that I am just misdirected, I have got to the wrong door. Moreover, sometimes I even hear that I have not delivered enough information and this is my fault: "Imagine, how can we catch your offender if we don't know his name? And even you don't! How can we fill in the file? Without knowing neither his name, nor his address!". At this statement I open wide my mouth and hence present myself as a perfect nerd - thus provoking them to being even more confident.
The second option is to know the reality. In every epoch, every country police never likes to receive complaints. Then I go to the police station being prepared. I explain them quietly and calmly that their legal duty is to accept every complaint. Even one seeming stupid. So I present myself as a confident person knowing the laws and reality.
That is the difference between two conceptions of the reality: not adequate and adequate.

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