Monday, October 15, 2007


I am going to change my usual theme: instead of writing on PR tips in the public life, I am writing now about my recent experience with my family. Specifically, with my daughter. Positive experience is worth talking about. We learn from it.
So now I am talking about an event with my daughter. It is about some cultural / spiritual experience. It is about an attempt / effort to actively construct an educational situation.
Jan Vermeer
The background is this: there was a movie on TV last Sunday about Jan Vermeer, a Dutch painter (1632 - 1675). 'Girl with a Pearl Earring' is the movie's name. It is about a Vermeer's painting with the same name.

So, I used this situation to connect several resources into one psychological / cultural / spiritual / educational move. These resources were:
a. The above-mentioned movie on TV.
b. My daughter (15 years old) is taking lessons on painting. So there was a ground for discussing the paintings shown in the movie.
c. I found the painting 'Girl with a Pearl Earring' on the web, showed her, and discussed with her.
d. As it turned out later, my daughter knows about the actress Scarlett Johansson (playing one of the main parts in the movie). So this helped her to feel connected to the movie.
e. Additionally, there is an interesting psychological point in this movie. I mean the main character, the painter Jan Vermeer. His personality is very interesting. His manner of talking to the girl serving in his house (the same girl we see on the painting) is worth learning if we wish to learn talking non-aggressively.
For example, when he orders her to grind paints for oil-colors, she answers she has no time because she is very busy with her main tasks as cleaning, shopping, cooking. How does he answer her? Does he show any aggression? Nervousness? Irritation? No. He just tells her: 'Make time'.

When you have a chance and resources to create an educational situation / move, do it.


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